
Discover the Future of Work with Visionaries at the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources: Where Cutting-Edge Technology Meets Human Insight
Kristina Vaneva
Kristina Vaneva
Employee Engagement and Internal Communication Consultant
Kevin Oakes
Kevin Oakes
CEO at the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)
Dave Ulrich
Dave Ulrich
Speaker, Author, Professor, Thought Partner on Human Capability
Jill Cory
Jill Cory
Expert Speaker Leadership for Women | Author Leadership | EQ coach
David Cory
David Cory
President & CEO of The Emotional Intelligence Training Company Inc | Emotional Intelligence for Leaders | Key Note Speaker | Leadership Training | Coaching
Dr. Sweta Adatia
Dr. Sweta Adatia
Neurologist | International Key Note Speaker I Cambridge MBA I Brain Coach | Integrative Medicine expert
Yasmeen Khawaja
Yasmeen Khawaja
Speaker | Author | Professor | Thought Partner on Human Capability
Dr. Mahamood Shouqee
Dr. Mahamood Shouqee
Chancellor of Maldives National University
Ahmad Al Asad
Ahmad Al Asad
L&D Creative Solutions Director of The Talentology Training Company
Mohamed Misthoh
Mohamed Misthoh
Corporate Trainer and Business Consultant at Mindfields Inc
Robert Garcia
Robert Garcia
Vice President for International Coaching Federation
Samee Shafeeq
Samee Shafeeq
Information Systems Manager of Park Hyatt Bangkok
Amjad Thaufeeg
Amjad Thaufeeg
Commercial Director at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives
Muaviyath Umar
Muaviyath Umar
Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Villa Resorts
Dr. Ahmed Inaz
Dr. Ahmed Inaz
Chairperson of the board at Maldives Pension Office
Shaahina Ali
Shaahina Ali
Executive Director of Parley Maldives
Dr. Arif Mohamed
Dr. Arif Mohamed
Consultant Psychiatrist of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)
Fathimath Sofiya Rasheed
Fathimath Sofiya Rasheed
Allied Health Registered Social Worker & Member of Australian Association of Social Workers
Hassan Shamaam
Hassan Shamaam
Group Director of Learning & Development of Villa Group | Keynote Speaker | Executive Coach | Business Transformation Consultant | Corporate Trainer
Santosh D’Souza
Santosh D’Souza
Regional Business Head of LinkedIn (South India & Sri Lanka, Hiring & Learning Solutions)
Mohamed Aalim
Mohamed Aalim
Group Director of Talent & Culture of Villa Resorts | Change strategist | HR Expert |Event Curator | Keynote speaker
Aiesha Adnan
Aiesha Adnan
Deputy Manager at Allied Insurance | PSM-II Certified Scrum Master | Co-Founder of Women in Tech Maldives | COO at Sparkhub | Founders Institute Leader
Ibrahim Saleem
Ibrahim Saleem
Chairman of Solarelle Insurance
Ibrahim Shafeeq
Ibrahim Shafeeq
Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Villa Shipping and Trading Company
Thoyyib Mohamed
Thoyyib Mohamed
Strategic Tourism Destination Marketer & Planner | Corporate Planner | Public Relations & Media Management Expert